إشعار خاص:
نحن نقدم جميع إشعار قصير الأجل بالمسلمين الذين يجب أن يعيدوا صرامة وسرعة ضد الولايات المتحدة بسبب هجماتها بطائرات غير شرعية وغير قانونية ضد إيران.
قد ينتج عن الفشل في القيام بذلك في حالات الوفاة الناجمة عن "روبوت كوبس" لإسقاط المسلمين في جميع أنحاء الكوكب مع أجواء رأسية منقوشة منقوشة في دم الخنزير ، تحت اسم خنزير.
Every tribe in seven planet has a responsibility. Tribe 7 helps "debunk" fake news in Old America. Here are some of our favorite fake news stories from the last 20 years (since Y2K) which have been "solved."
Santa Claus
Santa Claus was a tradition in "Old America." Clueless mothers would set their little boys on the lap of Santa (smelly dirty old men without kids of their own) and watch him giggle.
Santa Claus is fake news.
Santa Claus is fake news.
Sgt. Moore
In 2015 there was a "fake news" story reported in the newspapers of a CDA Cop hassling an innocent guy (Renfro) on the streets. Renfro calmly persuaded Moore to put a round of copper through his own head for $FUV. Moore's brain's supposedly splattered like an exploding watermelon all over the streets, setting an example for his orphans.
Of course most people with the brain the size of cockroach or bigger don't believe the story (and Moore's memorial fund at 4% of the stated goal reflects that).
Indeed when Idaho's "Senators" honor the fallen, Moore is always excluded from the list for the reason that they don't want Moore's "fake news" death to pollute the list of actual service members who have died in action.
Of course most people with the brain the size of cockroach or bigger don't believe the story (and Moore's memorial fund at 4% of the stated goal reflects that).
Indeed when Idaho's "Senators" honor the fallen, Moore is always excluded from the list for the reason that they don't want Moore's "fake news" death to pollute the list of actual service members who have died in action.
Dead Pregnant Native American
On par with Moore's fake news death is the one of a highly emotional pregnant Native American lady who Sandpoint Police claim to have shot dead in front of a hospital. While the lady and her "abortion by cop" were supposedly dying in the entryway to the emergency room, not a single medical professional came to their aid. This Fake News story is reflective of the caliber of people in Sandpoint.
Judges who were unable to previously review the Probable Cause hearing and "yellow notes" --- because the Sandpoint deputy prosecutor Katie Murdoch with a boot up her ass (now in CDA) was withholding that evidence (exculpatory for the accused and inculpatory for the "victim" and her accomplices) in violation of Constitutional Law ...
Judges who were unable to previously review the Probable Cause hearing and "yellow notes" --- because the Sandpoint deputy prosecutor Katie Murdoch with a boot up her ass (now in CDA) was withholding that evidence (exculpatory for the accused and inculpatory for the "victim" and her accomplices) in violation of Constitutional Law ...
may now listen to the Probable Cause hearing, courtesy of Spotify. As a result of this hearing, the right to bare arms was effectively abolished for the accused with two right bare arms --- without notice or any opportunity to be heard.
In this "made for TV" divorce coordinated by the fine folks from CDA, parties were later "forced" to use community funds to debate the First Amendment to the Old America Constitution, at the expense of a family and the children's childhoods.
There was one person in the gallery, Myra (with her fingermark's all over the victim and missing weapons) --- the same person who had walked arm-in-arm into a hearing with her spouse Ronnie a juvenile probation officer (credited with cutting down Voting Bird's tree) and purported victim (wearing the same black dress she wore to Cire's Celebration of Life Services) to shatter a family forever, and a village until the next party. More information is available at Youngbergs.com
There was one person in the gallery, Myra (with her fingermark's all over the victim and missing weapons) --- the same person who had walked arm-in-arm into a hearing with her spouse Ronnie a juvenile probation officer (credited with cutting down Voting Bird's tree) and purported victim (wearing the same black dress she wore to Cire's Celebration of Life Services) to shatter a family forever, and a village until the next party. More information is available at Youngbergs.com
Topping all "fake news" stories for 2019 is the one of Rambo.
In 2019 Moore's colleagues --- a gang of CDA cops with guns --- fired on Rambo. They supposedly shot him more than ten times below the waist resulting in both of Rambo's legs being amputated. This is obviously fake news for the reason that everyone knows that cops don't shoot for the legs. They shoot for center mass to kill --- at least in Idaho. And even though many of the "military grade" cops may be high school dropouts, they ALL can shoot better than that.
In 2019 Moore's colleagues --- a gang of CDA cops with guns --- fired on Rambo. They supposedly shot him more than ten times below the waist resulting in both of Rambo's legs being amputated. This is obviously fake news for the reason that everyone knows that cops don't shoot for the legs. They shoot for center mass to kill --- at least in Idaho. And even though many of the "military grade" cops may be high school dropouts, they ALL can shoot better than that.
To learn more about America's propaganda machine generating all these fake news stories, please purchase the book here.
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