Seven planet was "founded" (by two humans and a "pound pup") in the common area at Muskrat Lake --- a Planned Unit Development with Covenants (precedent for preserving land going back almost a thousand years from the time of William the Conqueror in 1066) --- one of the few places remaining in America where the water in the lake is still clean enough to drink.
To create a peaceful park-like atmosphere in this Village where all of the neighbors "share" a trail around the lake --- kind of like the Olmstead Brother's "Central Park" in New York where everyone (whether Buddhist Christian Jewish or Muslim may peacefully enjoy walking around the lake) --- and preserve the purity of lake and land forever, the villagers are collectively bound by Covenants. Among other things the Covenants provide: |
- "Signs are prohibited." To help keep the peace all signs --- which are notorious for triggering conflict in and among villages are prohibited. To understand how controversial signs can be one has to look no further the "fish sign" which was installed by villagers promoting their fishing business at the lake claiming that the "Covenants didn't apply to them." The sign caused conflict when first installed, when refinished/reinstalled and still is a source of considerable conflict today.
- No combustion engines are allowed on the lake (boats in the summer and snowmobiles in the winter). This protects the water in the lake (and the fish who live there) from being contaminated with gasoline, oil, diesel and other petroleum products --- which is a good thing given that each year the President of the Village is obligated to "take a swig" of the lake water each to confirm to the other villagers the water is still pure. It also keeps the noise down. Even just one motorized boat or snowmobile can disrupt the peace and harmony of the entire village.
Despite the Covenants having almost a thousand years of precedent several of the villagers --- most notably the New York Jew --- took the position that the covenants did not apply to him. His position was that County rules "trumped" the Covenants. and thus "no trespassing" and other warning signs are/were permitted on his property and even the common area."
This neighbor no longer lives in the Village. However he is still a existing seven planet patron (#__________). Additionally he is credited with helping orchestrate a "grand" reconciliation and accomplishing the our goal of "world peace" (or at least "peace within the village") and for those reasons a short summary/timeline of his stay at the lake is warranted and follows. |
2006 - Abolofia (a NPYD Cop supposedly "disabled" in New York on September 11, 2001 when a motorcycle fleeing the collapsed World Trade Centers ran him over in a cross walk) hires the Developer/Contractor for the Retreat to build him a custom "French Farm House" (the ""Blue House") at the Retreat north of Spokane. The Blue House is built with New York pension funds and resources swiped from neighboring construction projects. Abolofia reports the Contractor to the Idaho Contractors Board.
2007 - Abolofia moves into his new house and lines his property with rocks. He holds a village party showing video confirming that 911 was an "inside job" --- a "made for television" production just like the Holocaust. He takes one of the rocks lining his property and trades it for coffee at the Panida Theater in Sandpoint becoming the first sevenplanet patron.
2008 - On September 30, 2008 a "no doc" Westside Mortgage is stacked upon Navajo Nation Land.claimed as a Spanish Land Grant from a strawman in Abolifia's precinct in Brooklyn on President's Street. This Mortgage will later be featured in a Claim against an Estate (2010) and Settlement Agreement and Release of Claims from the beginning of time (2012) which Agreement was breached by the bank filing the Claim (2013) giving rise to the purchase of the Blue House via a strawman to cure the Bank's breach in 2014.
2011 - A New Mexico bank delivers thousands of pages of discovery drawing attention to an Iowa TARP Bank's stack of "no doc" Westside Mortgage Loans on Navajo land from a Brooklyn seller on President Street in Abolofia's precinct including one loan dated September 30, 2008 --- the loans are disclosed in the publicly traded Iowa's Bank SEC reports as Tranche Z and later featured in "Dancing Dinosaur" a book illustrated by a CNN Cartoonist serving as an advisor to seven planet" provided to the bank claim mediator (now chief of the New Mexico Securities Division)
The following weekend while the Youngberg Family was vacationing in Canada:
2012 - Abolifia and his former NYPD partner Lou are driving through Sandpoint when they notice someone jaywalking near the Panida Theater. Abolofia gets out of the car (with his loaded gun strapped to his chest) tackles the jaywalker and slams the jaywalkers face into the curb. The jaywalker is represented by Rex Finney who has recently been delivered the Original Allonge on a separate matter which will eventually be leveraged to obtain Abolfia's Blue House.
2013 - Villagers confirm Abolifia is indeed crazy --- and notable for racist slurs which concerns artists and sandbaggers alike with twin tables about to have a "mixed weddings". The Marine Sheriff confiscates Abolofia's weapon and bans Abolofia from carrying his loaded pistol at Village parties. Abolofia walks over to the Youngberg residence and proudly shows the young kids his "new" loaded gun.
2014 -
- Abolifia who is carrying his loaded gun and walking next to "Big Jim" (the "not so secret" secret service guy from Virginia who is a master marksmen the size of large Gorilla and now claiming to be President after his wife tallied up the votes) files assault charges after jokingly being advised from 30 feet away ... "if you are carrying your gun I ought to kick your ass"
- Abolfia draws a "line in the sand" to prevent other villagers from walking on the Village common area in front of the Blue House (such guarded common area being known as "GITMO"). When the line is stepped on Abolfia goes ape shit and files trespass charges causing "amped up" law enforcement with bullet proof vests to review the maps and deed restrictions.
- Abolofia transfers his Blue House (aka Israel) to a strawman at Realm with a roundUP enabling parties to "cure" the Bank's breach of the Settlement Agreement tied to the bogus Mortgage from the seller in Abolfia's precinct on President's Street.
- Kathrin Youngberg attends a Village meeting where Israel is effectively wiped off the Map and tax rolls.
- Kathrin's Mother moves into the Blue House to help with Allonge (the next phase of which is a ruthless divorce) --- and moves out taking with her the family dog.
- Parties burn the Old America Flag (Red White and Blue --- representing hundreds of years of Wars and conflict) and replace it with the New America flag (Blue Green and White representing peace and harmony with nature)
- The Blue House and surrounding land is replatted.
- Ms. Brumley is retained to help with the Allonge (which now has the Blue House and Priest River building woven into it like a fine Navajo Rug).
- The father of Ms. Brumley's kid agrees to "take one for the team" and begins the slow process of educating the folks in CDA on why New America (with its new flag) makes more sense than Old America
- Ms Murdoch creates "page 44" of her Yellow Notes to help with the Allonge
- Kathrin goes on the record (August of 2015) to share the story of how she broke into private property ("more than a year ago") to steal Youngberg family weapons --- including grandfathers shotgun featured in a tweet "less than a year ago", Eric's BB Gun and Sword --- "props" tied to the Allonge being used to "quiet title" on the Blue House and simultaneous "gut the US Treasury and Federal Reserve like slaughtered pigs."
2019 - 2020
- Tom Puckett (Realm Partner) takes over management of the Blue House Property Taxes and Weed Control. To confirm that the weedkiller is "non-toxic" Pucket agrees to take a swig of water mixed with the weed killer.
- As Part of the Lease to a California Family working from Pend Oreille Winery --- the vineyard producing the wine that our seven planet Treasurer provided to Kathrin to go with her "happy pills" from the California Family baby doctor on Nik's fourth birthday --- a rock wall is built to separate the house from our Treasurer's Memorial Garden --- built by Realm during the same weekend the "crazy New York Jew broke into the Youngberg's house for a 911 call."
2021 - In Progress.